Dear Parents/Guardians:
The Portsmouth City School District has worked these past few months on a successful return to 4 Days of In-Person Instruction and we are sharing it with you at this time. These unparalleled times have called for decision-making that has proven to be very difficult in terms of balancing student safety with the need to have students in classrooms to further their education. Regardless of the safety protocols that are put in place, there will always be the chance that students and staff members will become sick and need to follow guidelines established by the CDC and our Ohio/Portsmouth City/Scioto County Health Departments. The recent availability of Vaccines for our district staff and decrease in identified Covid 19 cases have helped us in our decision to return to 4 days of in-person instruction beginning with the first day of the final grading period, March 22. Students will now attend on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday with Wednesdays remaining a Virtual Day. It is our hope that the instructional schedule and safety guidelines established have the best interests of our students and staff members in mind and will allow us to return to school 4 days a week in order to educate your children. Our Reopening Plan was evaluated and approved by the Portsmouth City Health Department. We will continue to evaluate things on a daily basis and adjust our plans as needed. Please contact your child’s school by March 24 if they have been attending the Trojan Virtual Academy full-time and wish to return to in-person instruction. All attempts will be made to get your child back to the classroom pending class size restrictions but a return can’t be guaranteed. For those wishing to have your child remain home for the rest of the school year, the district respects your decision and The Trojan Virtual Academy will continue to be available to you. The district appreciates all of the sacrifices that you have made during this school year and looks forward to being able to return to the classroom four days a week.
Scott Dutey